Build a Brighter Future for The University of Scranton Students

The power of education is undeniable.

But for some students, the struggle to afford tuition reveals a financial gap that must be closed. Without assistance, these dedicated learners may lose their chance to earn a college degree—and unlock the life-changing choices and opportunities it provides.

The University of Scranton strongly believes everyone should be able to pursue their dreams. To help, many of our alumni and friends create scholarships or support an existing scholarship fund.

When you join them, you can make it possible for a student’s educational goals to remain within reach, no matter what.

Plus, you do not have to be wealthy to change someone’s life in this incredible way. In fact, there are a variety of popular ways to fund scholarships that don't require any money today, such as:

  1. Establish a gift in your will or estate plan.
  2. Make The University of Scranton a full or partial beneficiary of your retirement plan, IRA or life insurance policy.
  3. Gift appreciated securities.
  4. If you are 70½ or older, make a gift from your IRA.
  5. Recommend a gift to The University of Scranton through your donor advised fund.

There are also gift arrangements that support scholarships and provide you with a steady stream of income in return!

Contact Carol Maculloch, MBA, CFRE at 570-941-7799 or to discover smart ways to share your values by lifting up a student in need. Thank you for believing in the transformational power of education.

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